Sep 11Liked by Paul Fahrenheidt

The white men of the West (esp PNW and Colorado) are typically the archetype of buck broken losers that tune into "white guys for Harris." how could they wake up or reverse course in any way?

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Paul Fahrenheidt

The urban shitlib exists in every state. Just because the Californian urban shitlib has the most prestige does not mean at all that he rules California.

In any case, urban shitlibs do not breed, which means the character of any state is destined to follow the character of its rural towns.

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Sep 12Liked by Paul Fahrenheidt

''White Guys for Harris'' are pussies who are NOT in the game. We're NOT a MEGACHURCH who is charged with going around, ''waking up'' these FOOLS. You don't take over the PRISON by ''waking up'' the jailhouse punks.

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Sep 12Liked by Paul Fahrenheidt

Good point. “We’re not jehovahs witnesses,” I forget sometimes

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Sep 12Liked by Paul Fahrenheidt

As Tommy Metzger was prone to NOTICING (and as I've explained endlessly in my content) the electoral map as presented is as FAKE as Stormy Daniels' tits. CALIFORNIA did NOT go from being THE Republican heartland to being a TEFLON Blue State within half a decade, ''because Mexicans''.

There haven't been actual, competitive ELECTIONS in this country for decades. The Electoral Map is the result of backroom horsetrading whereby one Beltway party or the other is given a permanent stake.

TRUMP may be no great shakes, but Mrs Harris is literally a FAKE candidate. This woman HAS NO constituency. Anymore than Joe Biden outperformed FDR, JFK, OBAMA, REAGAN and EISENHOWER all while refusing to CAMPAIGN.

The REGIME has more in common w/the LATE stage Soviet Union (as regards how Nomenklatura are selected) than it does with any other system (extant or historical).

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Well I certainly hope you're wrong

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I recommend everyone watch how Hollywood interacted with Reagan (like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG5WAFzwlIA).

It's a relic of an unrecognizable Republican Party.

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I am somewhat doubtful that Silicon Valley billionaires can flip Cali but you’re right, rural California has some strange governance. Even in rich areas like Orange County (right between LA and SD), I’ve been on fire road treks through the eastern hills of the county to find strange cowboy-cabin villages. Word of mouth is that they are basically lawless and have shot at county fire and PD that trek too close. Very mystifying; nearly realigned my worldview seeing it from afar lol

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I would be curious what the author thinks of the contiguous 9 states whose governors openly supported Texas governor Abbott's 'state's rights' mini-defiance of Biden's immigration deregulation.

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