The Christ and astrology part blew my mind.

Behold, Men’s Astrology!

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I feel like most, at least those paying attention, see something on the horizon. They don't know what it will be, but are bracing for it. Like you, they don't know how to orient themselves for the future. The insane are excited for it, or trying to bring the chaos about. The sane are looking for ways to save civilization or bring it back once the tumult has ceased.

You know what I find most.... jarring, these days? Speaking to those that haven't seen the coming chaos. Those that just blow off the last 3 years of events as if it will all go away or settle down back to normal.

I don't know how to interact or speak with them. And they, frankly, scare the crap out of me, as I have no idea how the hell they'll respond when it all finally does go down. Those that see it coming have at least mentally started accepting and overcoming the hardships they foresee. The others?

Slaves to themselves, their fears, and whoever can control their daily needs.

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Well said Paul.

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I really like how you've used the astrology but restrained entirely with a proper Christian perspective. It's not easy walking that tightrope, but i think you got it.

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Well, you must remember the Covenant with Noah, that God will not destroy the Earth with Floodwaters, and the rainbow, held at tension towards Heaven (and not Earth) is the sign of this covenant. The Rainbow is the seat of Christ's Judgement, and the tabernacle is the footstool.

So if you are going to extend the metaphor of Floodwaters to a deluge of people entering sleepy lands, you should probably factor in the Noahic Covenant too.

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