My extended leave from Twitter has left me largely unaware of current happenings in the world, though I have been gone for just a day and a half. While my current location is undisclosed, suffice it to say that earlier on my trip, I was present in the town of Harpers Ferry, which I consider one of the “Holy Sites” of Americana. I could write an entire book on such sites and perhaps I will, but that lays far ahead of the time we find ourselves in.
While I was in Harpers Ferry, I conversated with a gentleman who owned an establishment there. I asked him some of the typical questions I ask most locals I speak to, eventually asking, “So would you say the place has changed?” His answers astounded me. Keep in mind, this man is a veritable normie, though he seemed to have good instincts.
He told me about how the disease we can’t talk about has flooded trail sites. Normal fare. He told me about how D.C. and NoV.A. yuppies (though he steadfastly refused to refer to them as such,) have flooded the town with income. Ok, still what I’d expect from a town less than two hours outside of the capital. Then he told me that not a house goes for sale here that doesn’t sell in a day, and doesn’t have thirty plus offers on it.
Follow this up with talking about the fall of Empires, and this man gave me a description of the flight from cities that could compete with Spengler! From the mouth of a normie no less! This is something I’ve been meditating upon between speaking to this man and writing this article.
Anglo Ortho’s speech at the U.S. event is considered by most (including yours truly) to be the best in terms of content. I hope the audio is released one day, that all of his ideas may be given the attention they deserve. Yet there’s one quote from it which I find to be compelling, and relates to the conversation I had with this gentleman from Harpers Ferry.
“The flood is coming. Build the Ark instead of praying for rain.”
The conversation I had with this gentleman begs three questions:
Are the normies having the same ideas we are?
Who has more buying power between us and the normies?
How much time do we think we have?
To answer the first, yes. Totally, absolutely, and without a doubt, yes. I took a gander at the average price for an acre of land nationwide: four to five digits at least, six in some states. This is just for the legal right of ownership. Consider building on it, which factors in the cost of lumber (inflated,) the cost of steel (inflated,) the fuel needed to construct it (inflated,) hiring contractors (charging quite a bit right now,) not considering the codes, permits, taxes (local, state, and federal) cost of food and utilities (inflated,) wiring your house to the grid, plumbing, etc. etc. etc.
Keeping all of this in mind is a good way to segue to the second question. Between our thing and normies (individually,) who is more capable of making all of this happen? Normies. Take your average D.C. apparacek who rakes in six to seven figures from his Raytheon work. He owns a house in NoV.A., and probably a second house in the Blue Ridge, or in the Chesapeake, or really anywhere away from people. Or, take the California exodus. How do you think so many are able to relocate so quickly?
To the third question, I already have an answer: Ten years. At best. One decade. By March of the Year of Our Lord 2032, things will have gotten bad enough for Crisis of the Third Century level chaos. And if we solely put our hopes in a Caesar (or in this instance, an Aurelian,) we won’t even make it to 2028.
At the event, we talked much about parallelism, about building networks away from the cities. This is an excellent start. But everyone and their mother has had the exact same ideas. Small towns are being flooded. Farmland is being bought up by big development firms for pennies on the dollar to may way for the Divine Empire of the Toll Brothers, and the SoDaSoPa’s that follow them. Farmers are actively encouraging this, as they can’t pay all of the debt they owe in order to keep farming. All to build a new generation of suburbs that won’t see the turn of the century.
What do we have that they don’t? Not much. Actually only three things, really. Though these three things are important:
Commonly held values (despite sectarian infighting.)
A shared vision, and the desire to execute it.
The willingness to materially contribute to the execution of this vision.
That’s it. All we have. It can be enough, to be sure. Even with the meager means we have in our thing. But the will needs to be present, and it needs to be in the present. I.e., if we don’t have the foundations laid in the next three years and a mid-term plan being executed in five, we may as well move to the city centers and march in Pride Parades for all the good we’ve done.
My facetious exaggeration besides, I need to hit this point home:
This is not to say that we’ve been idle, far from it. IronAgeArchives has been attempting to build a sort of village in Eastern Tennessee. Yizz the Eunuch has been doing the same in the same region. Ouros (post & vox) has been writing on ideas for the parallel economy, and finding local alternatives for food supplies. Even my humble trip has served to test the feasibility of our vision this close to D.C..
The Ark has been planned. We just need all hands on deck to build it.