Today is August 12th, 2024, one day short of a month since one head turn completely changed the course of American politics. Since then, the opponents of Donald Trump have made an increasingly panicked and poorly executed series of bad decisions which only further seem to reinforce that thread of Providence from a dodged bullet to a second Trump White House. The choice of J.D. Vance as Vice President (no matter your opinion of it) does absolutely mean one thing: the triumph of Twitter over reality.
Hunky-dory as everything may seem for the Online Right (which I’ve found more accurate than the Dissident Right as we’re now the heir apparent to the mainstream,) we must remember our own Elite Theory, and remain conscious of what appeals to power:
A gentleman on Twitter had a very interesting response to this post:
Vis a vis J.D. Vance and the network that backs him (which includes but is often misattributed as led by Peter Thiel,) the Online Right is being priced in by the market of American politics; and primacy is being given to the tweed-jacket wearing TradCaths whose solutions to 21st century ills include long disputations on Thomism and quotes from Chesterton about… his favorite cheese I guess? This is not to single out Catholics, Right Wing Catholics, or Catholics who like the title of Traditionalist, this is to single out a particular strain of thought that treats the symptoms of America in Anno Domini 2024 as the causes, all while pulling up the ladder for the rest of us.
But the overton window moves slowly, and it is impossible for our enemies to find us all, stop us all, price us all in (even if there may be some or many casualties along the way; that’s the risk of doing business that we all signed up for,) before enough of us sneak in through Project 2025, Project 47, the Heritage Foundation more broadly, or a smattering of other Conservative causes and Think-Tanks currently ripe for the taking and hungry for new blood. Given what I’ve heard about your average Republican staffer, College Republican, or TPUSA member, I’m broadly optimistic about the young white men on our team. I’m far less optimistic about the likes of Rod Dreher (S) and Adrian Vermeulle becoming the face of the regime-approved Right via the Trump-backed PayPal Mafia. But it’s important to never be fighting the final battle.
And make no mistake, regardless of the various flies in ointment jars we can spend all day complaining about on our rapidly dwindling timelines, a Trump victory is a windfall for the real American Right, the likes of which hasn’t been seen since Nixon. So I want to make it absolutely clear that lawyering your way into convincing yourself a positive is a negative and a negative is a positive is something so silly it could only happen on the Online Right. A Trump win is a windfall. A Trump win is game-changing. A Trump win will mean things become possible that we could only dream of before.
A Trump win will also kill the Online Right.
After Adolf Hitler was released from prison in 1924, and the ban on the NSDAP was lifted in 1925, the newly minted Führer set about fundamentally changing the party from top to bottom. Paramilitary intentions were abandoned, rhetoric about violently seizing power (Fedposting) was shut down, and the party sought to expand itself beyond its base in Bavaria to other disaffected rural regions of Germany, while simultaneously refusing to cede the cities to the KDP despite having no real electoral support (there’s a lesson there.)
But this was in response to a blow which had already been struck by the imprisoning of Hitler and the banning of the party after the failed Putsch in 1923. Membership in the party prior to the Pütsch had swollen to 20,000. Yet in December of 1924, the party lost 18 of is 32 seats in the Reichstag, and its national support had dropped from 6% to 3%. Simultaneously, American loans to the Weimar Government stabilized the Economy, which in turn stabilized the political situation, and the two extreme poles of German politics in the KPD and NSDAP were relegated to the sidelines as, using modern parlance, “Fringe extremists composed of violent lunatics.”
The stable economic situation strangled support for the party, despite its effective re-organization and national focus. It likely would have died out, had a late-October Monday in 1929 been a normal day of trading.
Despite the initial upswing of membership in 1923, and the immediate sympathy for the party after the putsch, the banning of its operation (despite its continued operation under a different name) and imprisonment of its leader (despite the massive public attention it garnered him) drastically dropped the commitment to and support for the positions the party held. Fair weather members found excuses to leave. The fickle electorate began accepting promises from Zentrum or the SPD depending on their locale. And the stable Economic situation ensured that whatever need the NSDAP existed to address, they had proven unable to address it, and it had been solved by the mainstream regardless. The center held, praise be to God.
The more astute reader may have already put together that this isn’t about Hitler.
The situation we find ourselves in today is not that of Weimar, as much as we find resonances and rhymes with it. Nor are we geographically situated with a Bolshevik horde to our East with a penchant for expansion inherited from their violently deposed predecessors. But we are in a place where a victory for Gillette, despite being the best a man can get, will act as a sieve to our human capital.
A Trump win will pull us, the Online Right, out of the crucible and into the spotlight. While this is good for resource gathering and network building, this is terrible for refining ideas and remaining focused on the underlying issues. Like the NSDAP after the Putsch, the fair weather supporters will drift away, especially as the center becomes less hostile. Perhaps they’ll get well-paying government or political jobs; being a dissident can teach you some pretty valuable money-making skills after all.
And just like Joseph Conrad taught us in Heart of Darkness, when you’re surrounded by a foreign people, no matter their degree of separation to you, YOU WILL BECOME LIKE THEM. Just as Mr. Kurtz did, just as our guys will do if they assume the fight is over, and their ties to the truth are cut at the same time as their checks. But they will be building foundations on sand, and when the false recovery inevitable ends, they will realize they betrayed themselves for nothing.
I once again want to emphasize that a Trump victory is infinitely preferable to the alternative. But it will not fix the underlying issues, which are intractable and will only be solved through some sort of confrontation.
Right now, there are two proposals which currently face the American populace, that broadly-but-not-entirely map onto the political “Left” and “Right,” or Blue and Red America more broadly. The proposals can be simplified as an answer to the following question:
“Is America a good thing?”
Everyone knows what America is. America is God-fearing Christian Whites who own guns and property and jealously guard their property and Christianity with the guns they own. America is not coffee bars, art galleries, craft breweries, wineries, gastropubs (what a stupid name), (Pontius) pilates studios, walkable cities, weed dispensaries, foreign restaurants, world-class Universities, Soccer stadiums, or any kind of institution you’d find in any given blue city, despite myself personally liking many of those above things. America wasn’t really the WASPs either, who were the precursors to the above things.
America is the bunting on a farmhouse porch in the summertime. It’s the discharge of Winchester Rifle in the Blue Ridge mountains in October. It’s the conversations of the faithful after Church on Sunday in the whitewashed walls of the Baptist or Methodist or Presbyterian or Episcopal Church nestled in the woods or the town square. It’s the rumble of a Detroit V8 on the highway and the black smoke from a coal-rolling diesel engine. In other words, it’s busy being born, not busy dying.
So when the question, “Is America a good thing?” is posed, both answers intuitively know what America is. And the responses follow the two possible outcomes of such a question: negation and affirmation. Yes and no.
The “Nos” are Blue America, the left, urbanites, etc.. They believe that America is imperfect and needs to be fundamentally altered or even done away with entirely. They do not mean the Federal Government (which they own,) the Constitution (which they’ve circumvented,) or genetically caucasoid people (which many of them are.) They mean the idea of Christian America, which is just a redundant way of saying White America, which is just a redundant way of saying America.
You may have noticed throughout your time here, as I have, that these people may not necessarily be Third Worldists. As a matter of fact, they may be very pro-European. They want European style healthcare. European style labor laws and pensions. European style gun restrictions. European style party and political systems. They even make their cities into poor replicas of Europe.
This does not come from a bad place. They may have seen Europe personally and liked many aspects of it and desire to make here look more like it out of altruism. But they don’t realize the Europe that they love is A. Not Europe when it was a living culture and B. Entirely built by the United States (and its money) as a sort of open-air theme park/retirement home continent. Europe exists as it is now because daddy America has been paying the bills (and why I am extremely sympathetic to European nationalists who see this as a problem and desire to remake a Europe free of American influence.)
These people also sympathize with the extremely European idea of Socialism, no matter what form it takes, which is a fundamentally alien culture form to America and requires the populace to be transformed or replaced to properly enact. Which leads me to the intractable part of this dispute: Blue America sees the people of Red America (the real America) as the problem.
I look at Blue America the same way I look at a Real Estate Developer buying up farmland around a rapidly growing metropolitan area (gee, I wonder where I got that idea?) The developer does not particularly care about what existed before, other than maybe retaining the name of a feature or place on the development to leverage as marketing. He comes in, buys off the local government (who LOVE developments by the way, they’re some of the most reliable tax hubs in the country,) and starts making cash offers to farmers. Those that disagree or try to resist get either outmaneuvered or crushed by the weight of the developer’s resources and influence with the local government.
Now let’s scale it up: Blue America wants to completely transform the preexisting America into something that is, well, not America. They have secured all the resources possible to affect this level of Social Engineering, and have paid off the Civil Authorities so that they’re backed. Now, the only problem is those pesky farmers who just won’t sell no matter what offer of money or threat is made against them. So they must be crushed to make way for the metaphorical subdivision that Blue America wants to impose on the entire country. Which is why they’ll happily import infinity immigrants. It’s a stick to use against the people they want crushed, though they haven’t exactly thought out the long term consequences. Few developers do, they just want money now.
This is how you can have the circumstance of hard racialist Richard Spencer and TradCath Nick Fuentes both supporting Blue America; they fundamentally agree on one thing: America as currently constituted is not a good thing, and must be changed. Where they differ is how they would change it.
Coming back to our question of the America’s goodness, the “Yes’s” are Red America, the right, ruralites, many suburbanites, and anyone who loves America as it was meant to be constituted. In short, Christian White America. They believe that America must be preserved and refined. They do not mean the Federal Government (which they’ll happily dismantle,) the Constitution (which they’ll happily amend or rewrite,) or genetically caucasoid people (which they’ll expand to include Mestizos, Arabs, Indians, and Chinese.) They mean the idea of Christian America, which is just a redundant way of saying White America, which is just a redundant way of saying America.
White is as white does. Any trip to the rural south and you’ll see that. The blacks and whites in rural Georgia are oftentimes more similar in behavior, dress, interests, etc. than to any outsider black or white. I am not, of course, condoning or condemning this reality, but simply asserting that it is. I take the Republicans at their word when they say they care about minorities more than the Democrats do. But when they say “care about,” they mean “bring about the circumstances for blacks to behave like the white middle class.”
The Left is more right than the mainstream when they say “Race is a social construct,” as much as the legal constructs we call countries and borders are. They are absolutely right, but these things are as real as any other construct. Imagine saying a skyscraper isn’t real, that’s the same thing as saying race and country are not real. But like a skyscraper, race and country can be demolished, renovated, reshaped, bought, sold, or left alone.
When you understand that the CivNats are actually racial nationalists who care more about the neural pathways of a citizen than skin color, then you’ll understand why the Republicans act the way they do. Not saying they’re correct, but I am saying they believe it. And this is as much a problem as the Left wanting to remove them from existence.
Regardless, Red America is an imperfect vessel for my personal interests. And with the recent leaps and bounds it’s been making in learning how to wield power, I’d rather work to refine it closer to where I am than deal with living under the alternative. But I am under no illusion the underlying problems will be fixed so long as it remains how it is.
The Left has many faulty mental models. One which is a holdover from early 2000s leftism is that the Right and the Establishment are one and the same. While many of us on the right know this is not the case, many of us are convincing ourselves that it is, whether they’ll admit it or not.
The establishment is its own side, the triumph of power over ideology, but its great weakness is that it stands for nothing other than its own power. All Conservatives and Reactionaries are its foot-soldiers, and many who call themselves conservatives in America don’t realize they’re actually revolutionaries, and vice versa. I could go on a tangent about power worship on certain parts of the right, but I won’t. Just know that power has its own drawbacks.
Imagine, if you will, a mental image of two large circles of equivalent size, one red and one blue. Now imagine between them a straight gray line of varying thickness. The gray line is the establishment, the center, the mainstream, and its thickness depends on the level of stability it operates within. The mental model will not resolve itself until either the red or blue circle consumes the whole model, but they’re prevented from confrontation by the gray line between them. Until the gray line starts thinning, and its components get absorbed by both circles, then the red and blue circle threaten to touch each other. Once the gray line is gone completely, you have reached total polarization, and it is only from that point that history happens.
It is not until the red or blue circle completely consumes the other that a new founding occurs, which leads to a new unity which will inevitably break down into the old component parts. I suppose you could call this Hegelian but I like colors and shapes more.
While Trump is Red America’s man, and their discontent has carried him to where he is, he will not fix the underlying issue of America’s struggle for existence. That is precisely because he is limited by what his movement is: a white blood cell reaction which is not yet fully coordinated against what boils down to a foreign viral infection of the American body politic.
If you retain nothing else from this article, retain this: the struggle between Red and Blue America is not a Civil War within the body politic, the way the Peloponnesian War was within Hellas.
Blue America is not America. They are foreigners. Whether they were born here or not, they have become foreigners in their own mind, which is the only logical reason they desire to destroy something they don’t own.
The struggle between Red and Blue America is the struggle between Poleis and Persia, between dynamic White Civilization and foreign barbarism of any kind. And until the Right in America realizes that, which requires a complete renovation of their concept of what White is, where it begins, and more imporantly, WHERE IT ENDS, the only thing a victory can bring is a False Recovery.
I pray God gives us the strength to endure victory. It will be far more challenging than our current exile.
Good analysis. Really on.
You may not have noticed the Graying line of the Establishment is ever Grayer… and thinner… and fading more each day.
They’re all very old and have no replacements. Pelosi will never be replaced by AOC. Hakeem Jefferies is no Tip O’Neil.
The other problem is when they made Color Revolution against Trump it seems to have escaped them that overthrowing a State and Failing it meant they were overthrowing themselves. This seems impossible unless you’ve been overseas in the American military… or even State Department, but you see consequences are for others…
The tragedy of the Neocons in MENA for example was they wanted an Empire, but to commute to work.
That’s not how Empire works.
Nor domestic (?) tyranny… which is.. coming apart. We had the old, fake and ghey overreach comically and will end tragically.
You see the line you see is vanishing… especially in DC.
This means something; yes what you said (one destroys the other) but also more immediately the dissolution of the Democratic Party. Which is not just the Federal Government but every National and International Institution, all are not only all Democratic in reality, by law and code must be governed according to the New Deal.
And that party collapses.
As America is organically a Federation from the Iroquois to the Internet and very densely Federated administratively America is very resilient.
However above local and in rare cases State level the government and all institutions are Democratic… admit it or not… and the Democratic Party dissolves with no successor. Certainly not the GOP. The GOP is the party for where you live, not Empire foreign or Domestic… but Empire is what now exists….
And the Empire dissolves with the Democratic Party.
🇺🇸 Hic Sunt Dragones. 🇺🇸
Papists went to the meetings.
Mostly over Abortion and also the General Moral Decline : The Papists went to the meetings, Sir. They also spent decades becoming lawyers, court clerks in DC and elsewhere. They forged alliances over Dominus Pizza … er Dominos … and went to the business community. Business wants Chevron gone, and paid for it… Catholics wanted Abortion checked (and yes would ban it utterly but that’s highly unlikely) and do notice they got their end first. Instead of everything for nothing, oh sharp eyed Yankee Traders.
Go to the meetings, right? Endlessly the lament was the Left go to the meetings and win.
Someone (else) did for decades.