Over the three-centuries long transformation of this Continent from a wilderness to a civilized nation placed first upon the Earth, it has been the duty of We the Periphery to set about the activity of transformation. It was we who cleared the undergrowth, constructed the settlements, repelled the savages, and instituted the laws of a Free and Godly people. It is these laws, the birthright of our fathers, which were so dearly cherished and bled for over these three centuries.
These laws originated in the Ancient Privileges of our far-distant progenitors, the Anglo-Saxons, who sought to recapture even more distant rights which have been known about and acknowledged since Roman times. They were recaptured in the 12th Century, when the assembly of Barons ensured Tyrannical power would always be checked by those pillars who supported it. They were recaptured again in the 17th Century, when the privileges of a Free and Godly people were repeatedly violated by a Tyranny left unchecked.
They were recaptured yet again in the 18th Century, when that people once Free and Godly had succumbed to the temptation of wealth and dominion, and sought to hold a people still Free and Godly though they be across an ocean, in dominion so that their wealth be ensured. And when that Free and Godly people across an ocean were too tempted by wealth and dominion in the 19th Century, it was the Peiphery who did not forget those rights cherished by their Anglo-Saxon progenitors that need be recaptured again, and again, and again, against Tyrants which are the enemy of every people called Free and Godly, for wealth and dominion are always the temptation of him who is against God.
Now in the 21st Century, these rights have been blatantly trampled upon by yet another Tyranny, whose changing mask never hides the unchanging face beneath it. Once more, we on the Periphery are called upon to cherish and bleed for those laws which were the inheritance of our fathers, and henceforth are passed to us as our birthright.
The Government of the United States exists in violation of its own Constitution. As it has centralized, it has sought more dominion, more wealth, more means of violating its own foundations. It exists to perpetually humiliate as it extracts the wealth of We, the Periphery, whose claim to the United States is the most rightful.
Its crimes are our Grievances, which are listed in no uncertain manner:
They have perverted the supply of money in an effort to control the Economy.
They have destroyed the rule of law and prosecute any and all who oppose them.
They have perpetually and unreasonably increased the weight of tax, that all within their purview be strangled out of wealth.
They have unleashed those populations not conducive to the laws of our fathers as weapons to terrify us, and prosecute us should we defend against them.
They have repeatedly humiliated us in every imaginable way, including the illegal destruction of our heritage and the social ostracization of the Periphery.
They have provoked conflicts with foreign powers that we be sacrificed on battlefields they created.
They have enforced experimental and unethical drugs upon the populace on pain of loss of livelihood and prosecution.
They have destroyed uncountable livelihoods of individuals and families who attempted protest against them.
They have prosecuted a terror campaign attempting to demoralize those populaces they label as political threats.
They have violated every right and privilege held by our fathers countless times, and set as their goal the elimination of these rights from the Earth.
They have maligned the name of Almighty God and his Son, Jesus Christ, and sought the removal of his presence in every corner of their purview.
They have sought to restrict our abilities of self-defense, that they may further extract wealth and humiliate us.
They have committed innumerable Grievances which cannot be listed yet are listed on the heart of every individual in the Periphery.
In such exceptional times that provoke such a constant and unwavering declaration of Grievances, We the Periphery, must now reaffirm those Ancient Rights that are ours to protect so help us God:
We hold the Eternal and Righteous Dominion of the One true God and his Son Jesus Christ who was sacrificed for our salvation, the Immutable Grace of the Holy Spirit without which the world would not be, and the totally obedient adherence of all Governments instituted by men to the same.
We hold the Temporal and Earthly Dominion of English Common Law.
We hold the Rule of Law in any and all circumstances bar none.
We hold that any and all accused in violation of the Law have the right to legal counsel and a trial by peers.
We hold that under Common Law only three felonies exist and can exist: Murder, Rape, and Burglary.
We hold that the unquestionable punishment for any and all convicted felons is Death.
We hold that any and all taxation, save in the exceptional circumstances of war and natural disaster, exist contrary to the rights of a Free and Godly People, and thus cannot be instituted without consent.
We hold that any and all Tyrants deserve death in all situations.
We hold that men must command their households for the right ordering of a Free and Godly people, and that this institution of Patriarchy is the sole institution which women are provided for, cared for, and protected by.
We hold that the Founding Ethnos of the Periphery and the United States as a Whole, who originate from the British Isles and Continental Europe, have an indisputable first right to the ownership of the Country and its Governance, not shared by any other Ethnos.
We hold that the right of self-defense is total and unequivocal, and any restriction of such is an act of Tyranny.
We hold innumerable rights that exist within the confines of God’s Law to be ours as they were our fathers’.
It is thus that We the Periphery, who inhabit the rural portions of each and every state within the Union, who build and maintain the infrastructure, who Officer and fill the ranks of the Army and Marine Corps, the decks of the Navy and Coast Guard, the cockpits of the Air Force, who maintain the rule of law and proper Governance, who have disproportionately fought and bled for the maintenance of the rights belonging to Free and Godly people passed down from Fathers to Sons, and who still hold that faith and upholding of the Covenant God made with all humanity upon the cross at Calvary, state our Grievances with the Government of the United States.
And here we have our new Declaration of Independence. Well done.
Well said, sir. And what will be the redress of these grievances? The US Constitution makes provision but …..